Sunday, April 3, 2016

Production schedule

This post made me realize the work that I need to do for this project and make sure that I have the resources required to complete the project.

  • What is to be done
1.     Collect my evidence
2.     Make a rough draft
3.     Cite my sources
4.     Make edits
5.     Make sure the rough draft is in the correct style
  • Location
1.     Library
2.     Dorm/library
3.     Dorm/library
4.     Dorm/library
5.     Dorm/library
  • Planned date & time
1.     During the weekend of 4/1, 4/2 and 4/3
2.     During the week of 4/4
3.     During the week of 4/4 or 4/11
4.     During the weeks of 4/11 and 4/18
5.     During the week of 4/18
  • Resources required
1.     Reliable online sources and a laptop
2.     Laptop
3.     Format guide of MLA style and laptop
4.     Advice from peers and laptop
5.     Format guide and laptop
  • Date completed
1.     4/1
  • Changes made after completion & reasons why
1.     I needed to add more evidence on what the opposing side is arguing.

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