Friday, April 29, 2016

Production Schedule

This schedule will help me stay on track as well as remember to do everything that I need to do.

  • What is to be done
-        Collect evidence
-        Create a rough draft
-        Create citation
-        Make edits on rough draft into a final draft

  • Location

-        Dorm
-        Dorm
-        Dorm
-        Dorm

  • Planned date & time

-        04/27
-        04/30
-        05/02
-        05/05

  • Resources required

-        Personal experience
-        Blog post suggestions from other students
-        Laptop
-        Camera
-        Video editing software

  • Date completed

-        04/27

  • Changes made after completion & reasons why
-        None so far

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jack,

    Your schedule looks really good. I mean the only thing that I can really recommend is to give yourself enough time to rent the equipment (if you are renting it) and then make sure you have it long enough to finish up your project. Good luck with the rest of your project!
