Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Content Outline

This outline will help me with production and make for a more rich reflection on the semester.

  • An opening section
In this section I want to reflect on how there has been a lot that has happened in my work process this semester. I want to broadly talk about how I think I have changed.

  • 3 main body sections 
1.     I want to talk about how my initial stages in my writing process has changed.
2.     I want to talk about how I used my skills in time management and ability to work with others to get things done in my writing process during this class.
3.     I want to talk about how my skills in other genres besides a standard college essay.

  • A closing section
I want to speak of what I have learned as a whole about a smart writing process and speak of how changing my process helped me greatly for this class and will help me greatly in other times of my life as well.

  • Main idea for each section
1.     The introduction is meant to set the stage to speak of my writing process overall.
2.     The first body section is meant to speak about my changes that I made in my process.
3.     The second body section is meant to speak of my strengths in my writing process and how I use them.
4.     The third body section is meant to talk about my weaknesses and how I developed those over the course of the semester.
5.     The conclusion is meant to wrap these ideas up and talk about how my writing process will progress in the future.

  • Major pieces of evidence for each body section
1.     First body section
-        I changed how I research
-        I began to write an outline before diving into the rough draft
2.     Second body section
-        I consistently space things out in order to not be rushed on the due day.
-        I make a plan for each week and beyond to make sure I do not forget to do anything.
-        I reach out to people early if I need their help and make them a priority if they need help.
3.     Third body section
-        I had never produced a podcast or video essay before
-        I learned new software that will be useful in the future
-        I got criticism from others in how I can do better and made those adjustments.

  • Summary of what the evidence proves
1.     First body section
-        This proves that I thought out my process and what I need to know before I started writing.
-        This proves that I made sure I was covering everything and did not forget to write about something important in my paper.
2.     Second body section
-        This proves that I do not procrastinate.
-        This proves that I am not lazy and make sure that everything is going to be completed.
-        This proves that I am able to work with others and accept their advice as well as give them sound advice.
3.     Third body section
-        This proves that I had no previous knowledge in how to work in these genres.
-        This proves that I gained experience and will be able to use these genres effectively in the future.
-        This proves that I made an effort to become better.

  • Summary of why that’s important 
1.     First body section
-        This piece of evidence is important because it shows more diligence and expertise in the subject I am writing about and gives me more credibility.
-        This piece is important because it ensures that I say everything that needs to be said.
2.     Second body section
-        This is important in order to produce quality work that is not rushed.
-        This is important in order to do everything that is necessary and not forget anything.
-        This is important in order to get things done in the real world as well as produce better quality things after taking constructive criticisms into context.
3.     Third body section
-        This is important because it would be difficult to produce in a new genre.
-        This is important because it shows what I learned this semester and how I will be able to use this experience in the future.
-        This is important because it shows that other peoples’ opinions can improve your work.

  • Some ideas about how to grab the reader’s attention in the opening section
1.     One idea is to compare a how a piece of work without the change I experienced would look compared to after the change. Compare their qualities to show the significance.
2.     Another would be to explain my writing process before the semester and show it lacked in quality.
  • Some idea about how to explain the larger significance of your subject in the closing section
1.     One idea is to explain how the improvements in my writing process will benefit me across the rest of my time in school and in my future jobs.

2.     Explain how producing higher quality works can benefit me educationally and financially.

1 comment:

  1. Good Evening!

    My first suggestion, since it seems like you are making a standard college essay, you try to develop a "thesis" for this essay. It will help the overall flow of the essay and also center the readers attention.

    My second suggestion would be to write down some good ideas for transitions from paragraph to paragraph. The first two main body body paragraphs seem like they will naturally flow into one another, but the third one might be a slight challenge. Finally, it would be nice to see a conclusion, but its an outline and planning so it is not a must.

    Good luck on this project!
