Sunday, April 17, 2016

Editorial Report 2

This second editorial report kept the momentum I had for editing my paper going and helped me continue to make my paper the best it could be.

Re-edited Selection

  1. How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?
I made significant changes in what I said in this part of the paper, especially in one paragraph where I re-wrote multiple sentences. The way the sentences are written now I feel conveys my point a lot more effectively.
  1. How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?
I moved paragraphs around as well as added in-text citations in this part of the paper. Moving these paragraphs around made the paper flow better and have more of an impact on the reader.

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