Saturday, February 27, 2016

My Interviewees as Professional Writers

This post educated me on the conventions of the consulting profession. There are certain things that they are not allowed to do based on their profession.

1.    Give us the name of each interviewee and write a short summary of the kinds of professional publications they've authored (according to their website, CV and/or other easily find able online resources that list their publications). You don't need to include all the bibliographic information for their publications, just the basic facts.

Steven Brisley: Steven writes in genres such as an instant messaging system in his company, email and large PowerPoint presentations. He keeps these publications inside his company.

Brianna Terrell: Brianna writes in genres such as an instant messaging system in her company, email, social media, and PowerPoint presentations. She keeps these publications within her company.

2.    Track down a few of their publications online. Be sure to examine at least two different publications by each interviewee(and hyperlink us to the two examples for each). What professional genres has each interviewee written in? Explain how these genres differ from each other, according to conventions, formatting, techniques, content, and anything else that seems relevant to describe.

Unfortunately, because of the profession that Steven and Brianna are in, they are not allowed to publish any of their work due to proprietary information bound by contract. In the profession of consulting, people cannot post the information they create.

3.    What is the context surrounding the two different pieces published by each of your interviewees? (See the bulleted questions on Student's Guide page 180 for specific questions about context). Cite specific details from the pieces in your answers. 

The work that they do create, in general, is intended to help the companies they are hired by be more efficient. Whether it is how they manufacture items or pay their workers, consultants cut the corners for the companies they do work for.

4.    What is the overall message of each piece? How did you decide this? Cite specific details from the pieces in your answers. 

The message is meant to make it easier for these companies to operate and conduct business. The consultants are vital to keeping these companies margins higher.

5.    What purpose is each piece trying to achieve? Cite specific details from the pieces in your answers.

With lower costs and higher margins, these companies are able to advance in their industries and become a more desirable place to work at. They become the hub of intelligent minds and advanced technologies.
Walmart. "Rob Walton on Being a Global Company" 06/02/11
via Flickr Attribution 2.0 Generic License

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