Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Setting

Seattle is one of my favorite cities I have visited so it was great being able to write about it. The city truly has a different feel to it than other cities. There is something about it that makes the city exciting even though most days there is poor weather.

The Setting

Wellington, Kate. "Puget Sound" 02/21/15
via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic License
Seattle is the Mecca of the northwestern United States. The city’s characteristics are like no other city in the world. The space needle is Seattle’s symbol. It represents the city’s uniqueness. It says, “We aren’t like anything you’ve ever seen before.” With its revolving top, a person can get an overhead view of the city as they eat a five star meal. The air that comes off the nearby Puget Sound is salty-sweet. When a breeze sweeps through the city, everyone enjoys the fresh coolness of the ocean air. The Puget Sound is a treat for Seattle citizens in other ways as well. Families can go to the coast on a summer afternoon and enjoy the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks. Seattle’s weather is even unique. If you look up to the sky while you are in Seattle, chances are you are going to see an overcast of clouds. These clouds sporadically spittle cool rain to the ground throughout the day, rinsing off the well-worn streets.

People from Seattle are proud of where they are from.  They take pride in their city and they show it every day. One easy way to spot this is through the city’s sports teams. The Seattle Seahawks are known throughout the country for having the loudest stadium.

This city, along with many other cities in the northwestern United States, is known as being a liberal city. Seattle cares for its citizens and want them to have every advantage possible, no matter the cost. A great way to show this passion is the city recently raised the minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour. This is a controversial move that is being discussed a great lengths and will be interesting to see how it plays out and why.

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