Sunday, February 21, 2016

Brutally Honest Self-Assessment

This project truly taught me about this controversy. It inspired me to investigate further into more news stories and to stay more up to date in the current controversies of the world.

1.    How are you feeling about the project you just submitted for assessment? Give me your raw, unvarnished opinion of your own project overall. 

I believe that I put in the time required to succeed. The hours of work that I put into the blog posts, research, and production day in and day out were long but worth it. I think it took so long because it was my first time producing a quick reference guide.

2.    What are the major weaknesses of the project you submitted? Explain carefully how and why you consider these elements to be weak or under-developed.

I think that I could have flowed more in my work. It does work a little bit since there are different sections of a quick reference guide, the final production does not suffer too much.

3.    What are the major strengths of the project you submitted? Explain carefully how and why you consider these elements to be strong or well-developed.

I think that I developed the idea and analyzed it very well. I think that I reached every impact of the controversy and made sure that every major voice was heard in my final draft.

4.    What do you think of how you practiced time management for Project 1? Did you put enough time and effort into the project? Did you procrastinate and wait till the last minute to work on things? Share any major time management triumphs or fails.... 

I made sure to split everything up evenly. Even though I am turning in the product on the due date, I was able to take my time making final edits because I had split the blog posts up throughout the week before the weekend. I had been doing this the past weeks as well and it truly helped.
Keith, Jeremy. "Seattle sunset." 12/29/15
via Flickr Attribution 2.0 Generic License

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