Tuesday, February 23, 2016

My Interview Subjects

This post helped me truly understand the background of my interviewees. It is good to know this information just as a basis for the project. The reason that my questions are not personalized to these people is because I interviewed them before I knew of this requirement.

1.    The names of the two people you're scheduled to interview for Project 2
-        Steven Brisley
-        Brianna Terrell

2.    The names of the organization(s) your interviewees work for, as well as their job titles
-        Steven: Bain & Company; Associate Consultant.
-        Brianna: Deloitte; Business Analyst.

3.    Any higher education degree that your interviewees hold and the names of the institutions that issued them
- Steven: Indiana University Bloomington; B.S., Economic Consulting, International Business, Technology Management, Spanish.
- Brianna: Indiana University Bloomington; B.S., Finance, International Business, Spanish, Portuguese.

4.    How many years your interviewees have worked in the field professionally
-        Steven: 1 year and 6 months at his current job and 5 years of experience as an intern Bain and other businesses.
-        Brianna: 1 year and 7 months at her current job and 1 year and 1 month as an intern for Deloitte and other businesses.

5.    If you can, provide photos or images of the two interviewees (identify them with captions), as well as hyperlinks to their professional website(s) or home page(s)

LinkedIn. "Steven Brisley" via LinkedIn
LinkedIn. "Brianna Terrell" via LinkedIn
6.    The date, time & location of your scheduled interview.
-        Steven: 2/19, 12:00pm, by phone
-        Brianna: 2/19, 3:45pm, by phone

7.    A list of 8 to 12 interview questions (for each interviewee) that are written to specifically reflect the interviewee's background, position and publication history
-        What do you for a living? In other words, how would you describe your job?
-        How would you present information to your clients?
-        How would you present information to your colleagues and superiors?
-        Are there other audiences that you would communicate with in your profession?
-        Are there any other, less common ways that you present information in your line of work?
-        What kind of genres are included in your job such as social media and email? When would you use these?
-        What is the peer review process like in your line of work?
-        Where would be the best place to find examples of communication in your profession?
-        Would you be open to answering any follow up questions I may have in the next couple weeks?

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