Monday, February 1, 2016

Analysis of My Rhetorical Situation

Beginning this project is going to be challenging. There are plenty of moving parts in this controversy and there are many different stakeholders as well. I am nervous but excited to get started and am looking forward to completing this project.

1. Analyzing the audience

The audience for this project will be a select group. They are people that are trying to find out more about the minimum wage increase in Seattle. They want to hear the facts of what is happening and what is happening in the city after the change. The audience will be looking for specifics as well as examples of what is happening to the people of the city. Those that are interested in this subject want to know this also because they know this could happen nationwide. There is a possibility that the minimum wage for the United States will jump in the next few years and the audience of my project want to know if on a smaller scale, there is anything to worry about. 

The people that are looking for more information to the minimum wage increase are connected in some way. They may be minimum wage workers themselves that are seeing if this does occur nationwide, if they will lose their job or benefits. They may be owners of a business and trying to see how much the businesses in Seattle are struggling or not struggling with the wage increase. They are looking for information anywhere they can find it. They are looking at Seattle's local media, business magazines and websites, national media outlets, and anything else they can find to get the facts of this situation. These people value their fellow man and want to see the effects of this wage increase before vouching for it or not. Whichever has a lower cost to society and themselves is what they will strive to obtain.

2. Analyzing the purpose

When people read my project, I want them to be satisfied. I want them to turn off their computer knowing what the current situation with this controversy is and where the city of Seattle currently stands. It is difficult to gauge this controversy because many people are putting their opinion into what they are reporting on this situation. I want my audience to know that I am unbiased. It will be essential that I report the current standing with the job retention rate as well as the restaurant closure rate. These numbers are being hidden or enhanced in other reports because of the author's personal opinion. This is an ever-changing event that will be necessary for me to capture both the past and present accurately. People such as business owners, workers, and voters are key groups that I cannot leave out in this project. These are the people that this increase in wage effects the most and I need to give the audience accurate information portraying them.

3. Analyzing the author

I am a person that puts an all-out effort into what I start. I finish everything because it needs to get done and done right. I have always been interested in the economy and how everything is connected in the financial world. This is part of why I am a business major. Once Seattle increased their minimum wage to record heights, everything in that city changed. Everyone's life changed. I want to analyze that and see the effects of the wage increase. I believe people deserve the best life possible for their circumstances. I also believe there are certain sacrifices people must commit to for the better of society. Seeing the effects of the increase is a need for me that I wish to fulfill. Passion and drive that is what separates me from anyone else. 

Seattle Municipal Archives. "Space Needle with skyline and Mount Rainier at sunset, 2000" 09/12/00
via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

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