Sunday, February 7, 2016

Draft of Project 1

Draft to Project 1

Creating this project was very informative. It educated me on a controversy that I did not even know existed until now. It is extremely important that our generation understands this issue because it is an issue that we will have to move forward with in the future. When commenting on my article, I would appreciate it if you gave me any advice possible in improving my quick reference guide. This is the first quick reference guide I have created and I do not understand how to make it truly visually appealing so any comments on that would be very helpful as well.


  1. I commented on your Project on google docs. If you have any questions, please email me. I have to run out on a Police Call and that takes priority right now. You can find the Rubric below.

  2. Here is a link to the rubric I filled out for you:

    Like Mike, if you have any questions please feel free to email me!
