Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Peer Review 1

Listening to my peer's draft taught me how to improve my own draft as well as what to do in the podcast genre moving forward to the next projects.

For the first peer review, I reviewed Emily Bond's podcast. two things that Emily was able to do very effectively was describe her stakeholders and describe her setting. Two things that Emily should add to her project is a title at the beginning of the podcast and some stories that are surrounding the controversy. What this tells me I need to change in my own draft is I need to enhance the title as well as add a description of stories surrounding my controversy. What Emily's project motivates me to emulate is to make sure my setting is described well and the stakeholders too.

Thebarrowboy. "285/365 Relief" 10/20/11
via Flickr Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

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