Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Production Schedule

This post made me think about everything that I need to do and put a time mark on it. This helps me keep on schedule and not fall behind.
What is to be done
-         Interview 2 professionals
-         Conduct secondary research
-        Research other points in sections, evidence, and analysis
-        compile information into a script
-        compose the audio
-        add sound effects and citations
-         Dorm room
-         Library and online
-         Library and dorm
-         Dorm room
-         Dorm room
Planned date & time
-         1/19 at 11:30 and 1/19 at 3:45
-         Throughout the week of 3/01
-         Throughout the week of 03/08
-         Throughout the week of 03/08
-         Throughout the week of 03/08 after creating a script
-         Throughout the week of 03/08 after composing the audio
Resources required
-         Recording program on laptop and phone
-         Laptop and physical resources in library
-         Laptop, library, online tools, and professionals in business
-         Laptop
-         Laptop and audio program
-         Laptop and audio program
Date completed
-         January 19th
Changes made after completion & reasons why
Barn Images. "Macbook Keyboard Macro" 08/17/15
via Flickr Public Domain Dedication License

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