Thursday, March 31, 2016

Content Outline

This post will help me in the long run because it made me think of how my paper will be constructed and what the content will look like throughout the paper as well.

  • An opening section
-        In this section of my paper I plan to grab the reader emotionally. I want to point out some terrorist attacks that have happened in the past and point out that they could have been prevented if the NSA was able to collect certain data.
-        My thesis will read: While Americans have historically enjoyed full freedom of privacy protected by the fourth amendment, modern struggles require Americans to relinquish some of this right to privacy in order to ensure the security of the country. There is a balance to strike however between security and this principle right in the United States of America.

  • At least 3 main body sections (more’s fine)
-        One section I want to talk about the NSA’s purpose.
-        The next section I want to talk about how they use data they collect.
-        Another section I want to talk about the opposing opinion and why it is irrelevant.
-        The final  main section I want to talk about what needs to change about the NSA.

  • A closing section
-        In this section I want to say that the argument should not be privacy vs. security but rather liberty vs. control.

  • Main idea for each section
-        The opening section I want to connect with the reader emotionally. National tragedies are one of the things that make Americans come together the most about and fight for change on. If I can strike that heart string, I can make a great start in persuading my audience to agree with my point.
-        The first main section is meant to give the reader a background of why governmental is in place and what the NSA and other surveillance agencies are meant to do.
-        The second main section is meant to explain what the NSA does with this data that they collect in order to give the truth about what they do. This is meant to clear up any false rumors that surround what the NSA does with your data.
-        The third main section is meant to discredit the opposing opinion. This would be the opinion that the government should not be collecting any American’s data.
-        The final main section would be meant to explain what could be fixed about the NSA to make the collection of your data safer for you and less invasive.
-        The concluding section would be meant to explain to people that their opinion does not have to be security or privacy, you will always have some of both. The opinion should be based on whether you want liberty for your data or the government to be able to control what is happening.

  • Major pieces of evidence for each body section (there should be at least 2 for each)
NSA Purpose

-        The first piece of evidence here could be the reason that the NSA was installed as well as the Patriot Act. I would include what the Patriot Act is and how it came to be. In addition, if there have been any changes to it since its inception, I hould cover them here.
-        The second piece of evidence could be the list of duties and responsibilities that the NSA has and why they have each one.

NSA with Data

-        The first piece of evidence could be where each category of evidence the NSA collects is placed.
-        The second piece of evidence could be why they collect each piece of data.

Opposing Opinion

-        The first piece of evidence could be explaining what the opposing side is and why they think this way.
-        The second piece of evidence could be explaining, for example, how the opposing side believes that the government will give out the information without a second thought. This is incorrect and can be proven by an example involving the underwear bomber of 2009.

Changing the NSA

-        The first piece of evidence here could be the suggested amendment to the Patriot Act that makes the NSA have reasonable cause to collect and store a piece of data.
-        The second piece of evidence could be how the government needs to prevent marketing companies from doing the same thing as the NSA, by collecting massive amounts of data and putting it in storage, and not have the security to make sure the wrong person does not get a hold of it by hacking into their data bases for example.

  • Summary of what the evidence proves (for each piece of evidence)
1.     The first piece of evidence proves that there is a reason that the Patriot Act and NSA are in existence.
2.     The second piece of evidence proves that they are actually doing something besides costing the tax payer a great deal of money.
3.     The third piece of evidence proves where the data is stored and who has access to this data.
4.     The next piece of evidence proves that the NSA has a reason they are collecting each piece of data.
5.     This piece of evidence proves that there is another opinion and the points that they use in their argument for their side. There is no real proof that large amounts of data collection will protect the American people as explained in this article:
What I also want to talk about in this section is how companies are also doing similar things to the NSA. They are the ones that are not careful with a person’s data and put them at risk. The following article explains this in greater depth.

6.      This piece of evidence proves why a lot of what the opposing side is wrong about how care free the NSA is with American’s data. If they were so protective that the FBI had a hard time getting ahold of some data, then another outside source will not be able to get the data at all.
7.     The next piece of evidence proves that there needs to be a change in the Patriot Act and in how the NSA collects data and a way to fix it.
8.     The final piece of evidence proves that the NSA is not the agency that is risking Americans’ security, it is the marketing companies that take their data and are not careful in what they do with it.

  • Summary of why that’s important (for each piece of evidence)
1.     This is important because the audience needs a background of why what we are arguing about even exists.
2.     This is important because there needs to be an understanding by the reader of what the NSA says they are doing and if they are following these guidelines.
3.     This one is important because it is necessary to know what the NSA does with the data in order to understand why they collect data.  
4.     The fourth one is important because if they do not have a reason to collect Americans’ data then there would not be a reason for them to exist.
5.     The fifth piece of evidence is important because without knowing what the opposing side wants then the reader cannot choose a side to stand for.
6.     The sixth piece of evidence is important because it explains why governmental surveillance is more important than privacy.
7.     This is important because it shows that there are improvements that can be made with the Patriot Act and how the NSA operates.
8.     The final piece of evidence is important because the reader needs to know that the true enemy of collecting their data are privately owned companies, not their public government.

  • Some ideas about how to grab the reader’s attention in the opening section (at least 2)
-        One way to grab the reader’s attention in the opening paragraph is to talk about the disasters of terrorism that have directly affected the United States
-        Another way to grab the attention of the reader in the opening section is to talk about without regulation it could happen again.
  • Some idea about how to explain the larger significance of your subject in the closing section (at least 2)
-        Talk about how what the argument truly should be about is liberty vs. control and that people should be arguing on a more moderate basis. It will never be security or privacy in modern times.
-        Another way to explain the larger significance is to explain what can be prevented with the help of governmental surveillance such as wars, terrorist attacks, and major drug movements in or out of the country.

Research Report

This post took a great deal of time but it will help me greatly during production in finding different kinds of articles involved in this argument. It will help me complete my paper quickly and complete it in the right manner.

1.      1st Source
Title: High Tech Government Spying vs. you Constitutional Right to Privacy
Author: Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

-        Andrew P. Napolitano has been working as a trusted reporter for over 18 years at Fox and they believe he puts forth honest work.
-        Judge Napolitano is the youngest life-tenured Superior Court judge in the history of the State of New Jersey. Only those they are honest and trustworthy could hold such a high position.

Target Audience
-        The target audience, based on the source are conservative Americans that are in favor of low amounts of government infringement on their privacy for any reason. In the first paragraph, the author states that the government has taken more of our freedom away. This alone points toward this audience.
-        One way that the author shows his target audience is when he talks about a, “new handheld radar device that sends sound waves through walls and receives back images on a screen of persons on the other side of the walls.” He goes on to fight against this device because he says if you were to do this to your neighbor, you would be arrested, but the fact that it is the government doing it makes it fine.
-        Another way that the author states his target audience is when he talks about the use of torture by the government against suspected or convicted terrorists. He says that it is a severe crime but the government gets away with it anyway.

Main Purpose/Message
-        The main purpose of this article is to persuade the reader to think that any government surveillance on its citizens is irresponsible and should be illegal. One way that he says this is when he states that there are 60,000 domestic spies that are spying on Americans and gathering all of their information.
-        Another way that he states this message is when he says that the DEA bribed telecom providers to make their telephone lines available to its agents. He goes on to say how the government should be under attack for this but are not.

Contextual Details
-        The article states that the Government Communications Headquarters, which is the British equivalent of the NSA, has been reading US journalists’ emails since 2008. The only way they would have access to this information is if the NSA gave it to them illegally. This just proves to his opinion that there should not be any surveillance of American citizens.
-        The article later quotes the Fourth Amendment and states that the new radar that has become available to the police forces in America is a blatant violation of this amendment but the government is refusing to acknowledge this.

2.      2nd Source
Title: As Governments invade privacy, tools for encryption Grow More Popular
Author: Charles Pulliam-Moore

-        Charles Pulliam-Moore has had a great deal of experience working a many different places such as ABC, PBS, and This proves that many companies have trusted him for extended periods of time to produce trustworthy work.
-        Charles graduated with a degree in journalism from The George Washington University. This proves that he is educated and knows the rules of journalism and how to produce valid work.

Target Audience
-        The target audience for this article are those people trying to find a way to not be under surveillance from the government.
-        One reason that this is the target audience for this article is that the author begins the paper by talking about how after the Edward Snowden scandal, many Americans have been trying to find ways to stay hidden from the spying eyes of the government. Only people interested in this fact would be trying to find out more about it.
-        Another reason that the article is targeted towards this group is because the author talks about the first ever smartphone that is fully encrypted and therefore they cannot be spied on while using this phone.

Main Purpose/Message
-        The main purpose of this article is to educate people on how they can stay encrypted on their devices and not be spied on by the government. One reason that this is the main point of the article is that the author talks about Onion routers, which prevents the activity on the internet by a user from being tracked to them.
-        Another reason this this is the main point of the article is that the author talks about encrypting emails as well, but how it requires both the sender and the recipient of the message to be using the same encryption method.

Contextual Details
-        One other detail in the article is that for the most part of history, the use for Tor has been for illegal activity. The author states that this is changing for example Richard David James, a musician, is only releasing one of his albums on a site that can only be accessed through Tor.
-        Another detail in the story is that Tor most likely cannot handle large amount of traffic because of the kind of servers that they use. An executive states that a lot of the users on their site make them a target for governmental organizations to come after them.

3.      3rd Source
Title: Privacy vs. Security: ‘False Choice’ Poisons Debate on NSA Leaks
Author: Bob Sullivan

-        Bob Sullivan has earned the title of Senior Writer at This is a high distinction that is only given to those that exemplify to those that are trustworthy and have been producing good material for many years.
-        Sullivan has also appeared on many different websites and talk shows. This shows that he is a trusted source for information by a great deal of people. He is a “go to person” for solid information that people want to read.

Target Audience
-        The target audience for this article is those trying to understand more about the argument between privacy and security.
-        One reason that this is the case is that the article starts out by stating an event that happened in Germany where the privacy of some people was breached in order to find a criminal. The author state that this would not be a big deal in America because we are constantly being breached in privacy by the government. This makes people that want to know more about this issue more interested.
-        Another reason that this is the target audience for this article is because the author breaks down the problem being between liberty and control. This really makes people choose what they want more and read into this breakdown more. The people that care about this issue are the ones that the author wants to read his article.

Main Purpose/Message
-        The main purpose of this article is to help people make up their minds about what side they are on in this debate. One reason that this is the main point is that the author states a quote from a privacy expert from George Washington University Law School saying, “Who wouldn’t trade a little personal data to save even one American life?” This makes people choose whether they think this is important and this will give them their answer on where they stand on the debate.
-        Another reason that this is the message of this article is that the article states that if the government is getting everyone’s information, then they are being ineffective. This makes people think that since the government is getting their information, whether they are okay with that or not.

Contextual Details
-        One detail that can be found in this article is that the NSA’s data hoard may be useful in future investigations. This could help the American public in the future and then they will be happy that the NSA was collecting everyone’s data.
-        Another detail in the article is that if the government commits to just fishing for data, then they will be missing out on using other tools for surveillance like spycraft that is more effective and less invasive.

4.      4th Source
-        Title: Privacy vs. Protection: Public Wrestles With What’s Most Important
-        Author: Sophia Rosenbaum
-        Source:

-        The author of this article is Sophia Rosenbaum. Sophia is a current reporter for the New York Post and has worked at the New York Times and New York Daily News as well. These are large papers and for her to be trusted by this large papers show that she is producing trustworthy information.
-        This author also has her masters in Journalism for the CUNY Graduate School. This proves that she is well educated and knows how to produce information that should be released to the public.

Target Audience
-        The target audience for this article are those that want to know how others feel about the issue of privacy vs. security. One reason is because the author is interviewing random people she sees in New York and trying to find out what they think of the issue.
-        Another reason is because she interviews different kinds of people such as a family man, a single man, and a single woman. This gives the reader a wide range of people that have different opinions.

Main Purpose/Message
-        The main purpose of this article is to show the reader what the average American thinks of this issue. One reason that this is the main purpose is that the author is asking questions such as, “What do you think of the government using your information?” This gets their true opinion on this subject.
-        Another reason that this is the purpose of the article is that the author finds out why the people are thinking the way that they do. This helps the reader assure that the people being interviewed in the article are trustworthy and educated about the subject.

Contextual Details
-        One detail in the article is that it states the only network that the information was used from was Verizon. This is important because it may indicate the government wants information of someone specific they know is using that network.
-        Another detail is that people seem to still think that there is a guarantee of privacy in America after the Patriot Act was passed. This shows that some Americans do not know that their information can be taken by the government in order to prevent crimes. 

5.      5th Source
-        Title: What Americans Think About NSA Surveillance, National Security and Privacy
-        Author: George Gao
-        Source:

-        The author of this article is George Gao. Gao has had over 4 years of experience in this field. This proves that he has seen a lot of information go past his desk and he knows what is trustworthy and what should be produced or not.
-        Gao also received his Bachelors degree from Vassar College. This shows that he produced information that is worthy of quality grades and is reliable in order to complete a degree from a quality school.
-        Source:

Target Audience
-        The target audience for this article are those people that want to know how other Americans feel about the topic of privacy vs. security. One reason that this is the target audience is there are different statistics on opinion questions on the topic.
-        Another reason this is the target audience is that it states that a majority of people do not want their information surveyed by the government but also the majority thinks there aren’t enough limits on what the government is collecting. This shows that many people think alike and people that want to know what else people think will continue to read.

Main Purpose/Message
-        The main purpose of this article is to show Americans what others think about this subject. This is shown by data stating that Americans are split on whether the government should collect information to prevent terrorism.
-        This is also show by other data showing the majority does not see a need to collect data to prevent terrorism. This shows that this study goes into detail on educating the public on others’ opinions.

Contextual Details
-        One detail in this article is that Americans are split on whether anti-terrorism tactics have gone far enough, this is confusing based on the clear majority not seeing a need to collect information to prevent terrorism.
-        Another detail is that over 90% of Americans want control over their private information. This is a strong percentage that Americans want to be in control of who sees what they are doing/saying.

6.      6th Source
Title: 9 Ways You’re Being Spied on Every Day
Author: Sara Schwartz

-        One reason the author is reliable is that Sara has written for many papers. These papers are reliable and are known for their trustworthy information such as the Washington Post.
-        Another reason is that she is not committed to one paper. She is not part of their union and is not subject to anyone else’s opinions. She is just focused on producing reliable information.

Target Audience
-        The target audience for this article are people that want to know how they are being spied on. One reason this is true is that the author provides nine ways that the government collects information.
-        Another reason is that the author provides a quote saying “until something is done to scale (spying) back or eliminate it, it’s only going to get worse.” Only people that want to know how they are being spied on would care about this information.

Main Purpose/Message
-        The main purpose of this article is to educate the readers on how they are being spied on. One way is that they say their license plate is being tracked. Many people do not know this fact.
-        Another reason is that it states there are sidewalk and public space cameras that watch the public constantly. This is a violation of privacy that the public most likely does not know about.

Contextual Details
-        One detail is that the government tracks where credit cards are used as well as loyalty cards.
-        Another detail is that the government tracks any real use of your phone such as email, texts, and calls are tracked by the government.

7.      7th Source
Title: The NSA Can ‘Collect-it-All’ But What Will It Do With Our Data Next?
Author: Joshua Kopstein

-        The author of this article is reliable because he does not write for one paper. This makes him reliable because he is not committed to the ideals and values of a single paper, he keeps an open mind.
-        Another reason that he is reliable is that he has been published dozens of times. This means that he is trusted consistently and people know that they can rely on his information being true and well researched.
-        Source:

Target Audience
-        The target audience for this article are those that are not in favor of surveillance and want know what the government uses their information for. One reason that this is the target audience is that the author consistently talks about the government collecting as much data as it can. This proves the target audiences opinion of the government.
-        Another reason is that the author speaks of the NSA denying that it keeps the information of the public for extended periods of time and only those that are not in favor of what the NSA does would want to know that.

Main Purpose/Message
-        The main purpose of this article is to let the audience know what the NSA wants their information for and what happens to it. One way that the government uses their data is by keeping it stored in “haystacks” just in case they need to know information on you.
-        Another reason that this is the main purpose is that there is the possibility that the information that the NSA has will be given to telecommunications companies when a new amendment to the Patriot Act is passed.

Contextual Details
-        One detail in this article is that the NSA may soon need probable cause to collect a person’s information. This would be a huge victory for those in favor of privacy.
-        Another detail is that it suggests it is not worth having information by everyone collected because the NSA may collect innocent people’s information with no reason and then that information is subject to being collected illegally by others.

8.      8th  Source
Title: NSA Intelligence-Gathering programs keep us Safe
Author: John McLaughlin

-        One way that this author is reliable is that he teaches at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. This means that he is trusted to teach many students to be trustworthy and true information.
-        Another way that he is reliable is that he was a deputy director and acting director of the CIA from 2000 to 2004. The CIA does not hire people that are not reliable and that are not known for their quality of work.

Target Audience
-        The target audience for this article is people that are in favor of the NSA and trying to learn more on why they are truly needed. One reason this is the target audience is the author talks about why the NSA is the best intelligence agency. This means that the audience would want to learn more about the NSA and what they are working on.
-        The article also states that the NSA is the country’s domestic intelligence agency and protects the country from the interior. Without this, there could be many preventable disasters that occur.

Main Purpose/Message
-        The main purpose of this article is for people to become more educated on why we need the NSA. One reason this is the main purpose is that the articles says the NSA does not spy on the public and errs on the side of caution before touching private data.
-        Another reason is that they are not the only agency or company collecting information and that they have become the target for those against this. The NSA provides safety for people and there are many private companies that do the same for their own benefit.

Contextual Details
-        One detail in this article is that the underwear bomber in 2009 was not caught was because the NSA was too cautious in releasing information that could have prevented it.
-        Another detail is that the NSA had no illegality or abuses and that they should be trusted to keep the publics’ information safe.

9.      9th Source
Title: Dilemmas of the Internet Age: Privacy vs. Security
Author: Deena Zaru

-        One reason that the author is reliable is that Deena has been working for CNN for over 4 years. This means that a major media outlet has trusted her to produce quality information for an extended period of time and she can be trusted to be reliable.
-        Another reason is that she received her bachelors’ degree in journalistic writing from Guilford College. She was trained and educated to write correct and reliable information and conduct the proper research.
-        Source:

Target Audience
-        The target audience for this article are people that want to know more about the debate between privacy and security. One reason this is true is because there is a section devoted to deciding if there needs to be a choice between security and privacy. This would be directed to an audience that wants to know about their choices.
-        Another reason is because there is a section about government regulations about surveillance and that there needs to be a change in the opinions of many Americans. Those that are in this target audience would be the ones that want to know about potential changes in these regulations.

Main Purpose/Message
-        The main purpose of this article is to educate the target audience on the basics of this debate. One reason that this is the main purpose is because the article states that the NSA is not the only ones collecting data and that there are many marketing companies tracking Americans as well.
-        Another reason this is the main purpose is that Barack Obama announced a proposal to end the NSA’s program of bulk data gathering. This may help people know more about what is happening in this changing debate.

Contextual Details
-        One detail in the story is how the companies collecting data use tracking cookies in order to gather your information and that this is beginning to be relayed into “stalking apps” which allows individuals to stalk others based on this data.
-        Another detail is that if these companies suddenly became regulated, there would be a deep decline in economic growth for a long time because of these companies’ dependence on this information.

10.   10th Source

Title: Experts Destroy Obama’s Argument That Americans Must Sacrifice Privacy For Security.
Author: Michael B. Kelley

-        One reason that this author is reliable is that he is a senior editor. This means he is one of the most trusted people at Business Insider to release only the most trustworthy, well researched, and quality information.
-        Another reason is because he got his bachelor’s degree and Northwestern, which is one of the most well thought of schools for journalism. This means he received a quality education on how to produce reliable information.

Target Audience
-        The target audience for this article are those people that want less surveillance on Americans. This is because it states several experts went against Obama in saying that Americans need to sacrifice their privacy. This would only be appealing to those that agree with this.
-        Another reason is that the article states there needs to be a middle ground based on the quote in the article, “It’s like asking do you want the police to exist or not?” It is a quote that would only make sense to those that think there shouldn’t be one side or another.

Main Purpose/Message
-        The main purpose of this article is to educated people on how this debate is moving forward and that there is no one choice of security or privacy. The article is also meant to update the public on Barack Obama’s statement that Americans must choose security or privacy. One reason this is the main purpose is that it states that the actual argument should be for liberty or control. This is the middle ground the article is in favor of.
-        Another reason this is the main purpose is that there has never been evidence of the effectiveness of the NSA’s bulk email collection program according to Senators Ron Wyden and Mark Udall.

Contextual Details
-        One detail in this article is the NSA uses their own discretion to look at the content that they collect.
-        Another detail is that there has never been effectiveness in the mass collection of emails and this is true for the collection of phone calls.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Rhetorical Analysis of Project 3

This post really made me think about what my topic will be, what I need to be thinking about when writing my paper, and how I need to go about writing my paper. This will help in the coming weeks.

  1. How will you draw on any or some of the following for Project 3? Be specific about how your plans for Project 3 connect to some previous, current or burgeoning interest of your own, such as...
    • your own general research interests.
I want to make sure that I am researching something that I care about. I want to be invested in this project and have motivation to work on it and find out more about my subject.

    • your major(s) and/or minor(s) here at the University of Arizona.
I think that if I stay within my major here at the University of Arizona, I will be able to find something that I am interested in more easily. There is a reason that I am majoring in business and that is because I find it intriguing and want to learn more about it.

    • other subjects of interest you have encountered here or elsewhere in your recent studies.
There are also other subjects that I find interesting and I think that there is a possibility that I can combine some of my interests outside of business with my interests inside of business in order to create the perfect subject for this project.

    • your academic and/or professional goals.
I think that researching something in a specific area that I am interested in working in will also help me in this project. Researching within an industry I dream of working in will further help my motivation for this project. I think there is a subject that can work in all three of these areas and it should not be too difficult to find.

    • current-day social, cultural or political issues that you follow and are interested in.
It would be interesting if I could find something involving the state of the environment, equal rights, or the culture surrounding people my age for this project. These interest me greatly and being able to find how they connect to business should be easy, since business is involved in all of these.

    • civic, financial, governmental, economic, and/or judicial practices that you follow and are interested in.
This could be done relatively easy to connect with business. I am interested in how the stock market works greatly so I could find a way to argue about the current state of the stock market and how certain businesses are effecting the state of the stock market greatly.

    • scientific and/or technological advances or news stories that you follow and and are interested in.
I think that I could find a way to talk about the use of animals in research and how there is a business for the use of these animals. There has to be someone buying and selling these animals and I could talk about this.

    • subjects of personal interest or study, for instance:
      • hobbies such as hiking & climbing, gaming/programming, following sports or movies or music, etc.
I am interested in sports and there has been a great increase in the involvement of business in sports and it could be interesting to advocate for this.

      • skills you have committed yourself to acquiring like dedication to a sport, an instrument, a practice such as yoga or meditation, etc.
I spent a great deal of time in the developmental sports leagues as a kid and I could easily advocate for more kids and parents to be involved in these leagues instead of being scared that their kids could be injured by participating.

      • subjects you’ve read about previously in science or history or literature, etc.
The Great Depression is very interesting to me and there was a great amount of business involved in it so I could talk about the state of businesses during this time.

      • subjects connected to your life experiences, places you’ve travelled to, ideologies or philosophies you’ve encountered directly, unique experiences you’ve had.
I would love to advocate for families to take their kids on adventurous vacations. A great deal of parents take their kids to the same place and have the same experiences over and over again without trying anything new and that sets a tone for the kids life.

       2.     What are the preconceptions, previously held opinions and/or potential areas for
               personal bias that you should be aware of for Project 3? What about any of the
    • Your family of origin, and the spoken or unspoken set(s) of “family values” that come with belonging to that family.
My family is pretty conservative and I think that I should be aware if I begin stating my opinion that I grew up under. I want to be fare in this assignment and should not bring my beliefs into it.

    • The social class of yourself/your family (consider honestly your family’s level of access to wealth, real estate, travel, leisure, luxury items, etc.).
I was lucky as a kid to grow up a in a relatively affluent family. I need to make sure if my argument involves the lower economic classes in any way that I do not make any assumptions about the people in these classes.

    • The location/geography where you were raised, and whatever local norms, customs, attitudes, traditions, and/or prejudices come with belonging or not belonging.
I grew up in the suburbs and was surrounded by the outdoors. I do not know what it is truly like to live in a big city and I should research what it is like before I make any statements about large urban areas.

    • The religious and/or spiritual tradition you were raised in, and whatever beliefs, values, worldviews and/or prejudices come with belonging or not belonging.
I grew up going to church most Sundays so I need to make sure that I do not bring those beliefs and traditions into my writing for this project.

    • The political beliefs of the family, community, area/region or state in which you were raised, and whatever attitudes, beliefs, traditions, values and/or prejudices come with belonging or not belonging.
Most people that live in the area that I grew up in were conservative and so being in college is the first true experience I have had with people with liberal types of thinking. I need to be non-biased with my political and economic beliefs in this project.

o   Your level of access to cultural power, based on things like ethnicity/race, gender, sexual identity, age, level of education, differently-abledness, etc.

I am a straight white male so I have not had to encounter any traditional biases in my life. I need to make sure I research the different classes of people involved in my argument so I do not make any false assumptions.
Based on your plans for Project 3, answer the following…
  1. How are you thinking about your audience for this project? Who are you going to make this for? Describe them.
Those that care about the issue of national security as well as privacy will care about this issue. Therefore, this classification does not really fall under a specific gender, religion, or race. The people that care about this issue will be around the age of 16+. They will most likely be well educated as well.

  1. What beliefs and assumptions might this audience already hold? What position are they likely to take on this issue? How will you respond to that position?
This audience will most likely have their opinion already made up. They are most likely not trying to be persuaded, but are trying to be educated more on their viewpoint or trying to figure out why the opposing side thinks the way that they do. Some people will be in between on the subject and not have a specific opinion, they will be in favor of both privacy and security. I will need to be educated on the subject and make sure that I do not make any assumptions while I write this paper.

  1. How might they react to your argument?
People will most likely agree stick to their original opinion on this subject after reading my paper. The thing that I need to do is give them a more educated stance on the subject and allow them to analyze what they think after. Some people may end up switching their stance in the end.

  1. How are you going to relate to or connect with your audience? Are there any specific words, ideas or ways of arguing that will help you relate to them in this way?
What I need to do is relate to the personal struggles that come with this issue. I need to talk about what it feels like to feel unsafe when the nation’s security is unsure. I need to talk about what it feels like to feel like your privacy is being over stepped. I need to connect with people on a personal level.

5.     Think of one specific person or a set of people you know personally or professionally who fall within the definition of ‘target audience’ you’re using for Project 3. What could you tell them or say to them in order to convince them of your perspective? What would need to happen for them to agree with you?

One group that will definitely fall under the target audience is liberals in favor of total privacy. I need to say things such as “How would it feel to have another 911 happen?” To the conservatives that fall under the target audience, I need to say things such as “Do you want someone going through all of your personal items, would you want your house to be unlawfully searched?”

  1. What do you want to accomplish with Project 3? What affect do you want it to have on your intended audience? For instance:
    • What might you want your audience to do after reading/watching/listening to my project?
What I want my audience to understand after reading this paper is what is going on both sides of the argument, and that there needs to be a balance of both privacy and security.

    • What might you want your audience to consider after reading/watching/ listening to your project?
I want my audiences to consider what they really want to give up, because each side will need to give a little bit up in order for the perfect situation to occur.

    • What might you want your audience to believe after reading/watching/ listening to your project?
I want my audience to believe in giving up some of their rights for security and giving up some of their sense of security for the rights they should receive by living in the United States.

      2.    Now that you’ve done all your research and figured out what you think about the
             controversy you’ve chosen, what still needs to be accomplished? For instance:
    • Is there anything that still needs to be explained or pointed out to the people talking about this issue?
People need to understand that they are going to have to give up some of their privacy. As much of a burden that it is to have the government “spying on you”, it can prevent a disaster.

    • Is there anything that the people arguing about this need to be reminded of or made aware of?
911. People need to realize that security is a necessary reason to give up some of their privacy to prevent disasters such as 911. People also need to remember the 4th amendment, one of the amendments our country was founded on.

    • Are there any perspectives on the issue that still need to be expressed?
Both main opinions have been expressed a great deal.

    • Are there any persons who we still need to hear from?
All kinds of people have expressed their opinions to my knowledge.

o   Is there any information that we still need to gather?

What does the future hold?

Context. What are the particular circumstances surrounding this assignment?

What are the current arguments and what are people saying about the controversy right now? Why?

What genre?
  1. What course genre will you be writing in for Project 3?
I will be writing in the Standard College Essay genre.

  1. What kinds of audience expectations come along with this genre, generally?
The audience expects to be entertained for the entirety of the paper, I will need to keep my information interesting.

  1. What is your history working in the genre you have selected for Project 3?
I have written many papers in this format in the past throughout my education starting in middle school.

  1. Describe your comfort level and general feelings about the genre. How will they affect your work on Project 3?
I am very comfortable writing in this genre, more so than in any other genre I have/will work in this semester.

5.     What are the two most effective conventions in this genre, in your opinion? Why? Be specific.

The professionalism and ease of conveying information are the most effective conventions because it they keep the audience focused and the author on track. They keep the subject and opinions moving.

  1. Are there any historical events that might impact how your audience perceives your argument or the kind of background information or evidence you need to include? For instance, does media reporting on any of the following involve your issue/subject for Project 3?:
    • The approval or rejections of laws and/or budgets by the Executive branch of the U.S. government.
The Fourth Amendment, The Patriot Act, and the NSA are the three most major laws and governmental agencies.

    • Cabinet appointments and removals made by the Executive branch of the U.S. government.
None that I know of yet.

    • The authorization or funding of military hostilities by the Executive branch of the U.S. government.
The Iraq War was the result of 911 and this was the most expensive war in our nation’s history.

    • The writing of, discussion about and voting on laws and/or budgets in the Legislative branch of the U.S. government.
After 911 there was a great deal of emphasis on security such as the TSA and the Iraq War.

    • The explanations made for legal decisions in the Judicial branch of the U.S. government.
The Patriot Act was deemed necessary in order to prevent terrorist acts by surveying things such as emails, text messages, and calls.

2.     Who else is talking about this topic? Provide us with working hyperlinks to coverage of the controversy on FOUR different media outlets.

3.     What are the three or four major counter-arguments you’ll have to respond to, based upon what people are saying in the press/media? Be specific and cite your sources using working hyperlinks.

1.      “There is no need to give up civil liberties for national security.”
2.      “There aren’t enough surveillance policies to stop a terrorist attack.”
3.      “What is one time that surveillance has prevented a terrorist attack?”