Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My Writing Process

In this post I will be describing myself as a writer. Every person has their own unique way of writing a paper that comes with both strengths and weaknesses. I want to show where I believe I stand on this broad spectrum. 

1. I consider myself to be a "Heavy Planner". The reason that I consider myself to be a "Heavy Planner" is because I am always thinking about the next writing that I have coming up. I am constantly constructing an outline for these assignments in my head and adding more to each paragraph in order to elaborate on my thoughts. Whenever I am asked to write a rough draft, it feels complete to me because I have filled each section of my outline and added a lot of detail. I am consistently having to ask others if there is anything else that I can change about my piece of writing because I see nothing out of place in the first draft. 

2. Along with planning what I am going to write in my head, I find myself spending a great deal of time revising my work as well. Most of the time, this is because I am thinking of the next word that I want to use next too fast for my fingers to keep up. This causes me to skip over some words, leaving holes in my sentences. I then repeatedly have to go back through my papers and fix these holes to make sure my writing flows.

3. I find that the process I use works extremely well for me. I am able to understand what I am going to write so that I can better execute that plan. I am able to complete full papers faster than most people because of my process. One weakness that seems to stick out through my process is the amount of simple mistakes that I make. I believe this is because I am writing as though I am speaking to my audience. This causes me to make basic grammatical errors that I should not be committing. 

4. I think that my current approach is the correct one for me. One thing I will say is that I need to slow down when I am writing and read what I am typing as I go. Even though this may take me more time to actually write the paper, it will take me less time to revise afterward and I will also be able to limit the number of mistake I make in general. I think in the future that I will adopt the method of writing out my plan as well. Every once in a while, I will forget part of my plan that I am conducting in my head and it will take me a while to remember that part of the sequence. 
Wade M. "Thinking" 08/30/08 via Flickr.
Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.

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