Sunday, January 31, 2016

Evaluation of General Sources

Conducting the research for this project was very informative. It was interesting to see the breakdown of what everyone thinks of the 15 dollar minimum wage put into order in Seattle. Some are for it, some are against it, and the others are waiting to see the full effects before they decide an opinion.
Scott, Toby. "Minimum Wage Protest" 12/05/13 via Flickr
Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic License

First Source 


For the first source, the URL ends in .com. This ending has the possibility of being an unreliable source. It means that the site that is being used is trying to make profit off of the information that they are giving you. This source is legitimate, as it is nationally known for being so.


The author for this resource is a credited reporter from CNBC. Kate Rogers has been reporting for CNBC for nearly a year and a half and has covered multiple subjects.

Last Updated

The web page for this source was last updated on Wednesday January 27th, 2016. This is a very recent update that has all of the necessary and current information available on the wage increase.


The purpose of this source is to inform the reader of what is happening on the franchisee side of this battle in Seattle. It was to inform the reader that the franchisee's in Seattle are suing the city of Seattle and are trying to get fair timing to raise their wage to 15 dollars an hour.


There are two graphics that are involved in this article. The first one is a picture of the mayor of Seattle signing the bill that made the minimum wage in the city 15 dollars an hour. This is important to the story because the day that this was signed the franchisee's began preparations to sue the city. The second graphic is a video breakdown of how the minimum wage hike will effect small businesses. This is important because it shows how these franchisees are being effected with this change.

Position on Subject

The information that is being provided by this source is correct. It is a piece of information that is just being given to the reader. There are no opinions that are truly expressed through this article and there would be no need for bias. The party that profits from the number of views it receives is CNBC, a major news corporation. It can be trusted due to the national attention it would receive if it was not.


There are multiple links that are provided in this text. The links lead to more information about the subject that correlates to the story that is being presented. One of the links provides the information on how the Seattle minimum wages are tiered for different sized businesses. All of the links are properly cited.

Second Source


The URL for this second source ends in .com and is on YouTube. This makes it liable for being unreliable. The reason that it is reliable is because of who posted the photo. PBS is a trustworthy source and is viable.


The reporter for this news story is Paul Solman. Solman has been a reporter for PBS since 1985 and has produced trustworthy for this national station consistently.

Last Updated

The video was posted 21 months ago and that was when the source was lasted updated. There are not any links that take you away from the video but there are suggestions on YouTube that can connect you to more information on the subject.


The source is purely trying to inform the viewer of the viewpoints in Seattle on a minimum wage increase. This newscast was given before the bill was signed into place so the viewer of the video got to see the opinions of groups before the effects took place.


Since the source is a video of a newscast, there are many visuals in play. The video shows the people being interviewed about the wage increase as well as background footage to make the video more appealing. 

Position on Subject

Solman makes sure that the story is not one sided. He wants to capture the whole city's opinion on the wage increase and makes sure to get multiple different opinions on the topic. He interviews both consumers and owners each with a twist to the popular opinions of their groups. 


The links that are provided from this source are links to other related videos. If you want to dive deeper into the subject and see more news stories about the wage increase and peoples' opinions about it than that is readily available.

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