Friday, January 22, 2016

Course Projects

After reviewing the the four major project outlines, I feel more comfortable in knowing what this class has to offer. Before looking at these projects, they seemed vast and confusing but I now feel comfortable in my abilities.

The part that makes me most nervous out of these four projects is producing a podcast and video essay and being able to do it well. I have close to no experience working with these types of projects and I do not know where to start. The little experience I do have was many years ago. What I remember from those experiences is that it was very hard to produce quality productions and it was also time consuming. Being able to manage these projects in my heavy schedule will be a challenge.

I am most excited to learn how to produce these new genres. Even though I am nervous about whether I am going to be able to finish them, I am excited to learn something new. My high school did very little with these genres and I am hoping I can become proficient by the time this class is over. Being able to experience something new is terrifying but is exciting at the same time.

Based on my understanding of these four projects, there is plenty that I will need to plan ahead for. Being able to secure the right type of equipment will be a challenge due to the high demand for it. Also, being able to develop my skills in producing these new genres will also take some planning. What will challenge my time management skills, I believe, is the production stage of each of these projects. Putting together these genres takes time and I will have to pay attention to that aspect.

 In my high school the vast majority of the projects that we worked on were standard, MLA format papers that were dull and boring. There was not much room for creativity and therefore, I struggle with making creative things in a short amount of time. When I am assigned projects that involve genres such as video essays, I have to take time to learn the genre in order to produce a quality end product. One intangible skill that I bring to any course is tenacity. No matter what I have to do to get a project done, I make it happen. I hold myself to the highest standard in all that I do and I do not accept anything below a certain quality.

As of right now, I don’t have any questions regarding these projects or the course in general and I look forward to getting started.

Peter Taylor. "Down the Lens" 04/06/14 via Flickr.
Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic License.
Reflection: I read both Mike's and Emily's Course Projects posts. Their posts truly made me feel more comfortable with the work in this class. To see that other people are also nervous and anxious about the work in the class makes me feel more confident in what I am doing. I also am interested to hear Mike's life experiences considering he has a unique background. Both of their posts also helped me realize that the final project will absolutely take some planning to complete. 


  1. Jack,

    I agree with you on the video essay and podcast because I am worried about not doing well on it too. I also can relate to your excitement about using the new genres this semester. My old school also did boring and dull MLA style papers. I think you will do just fine on the projects. There are always people around that will and can help you.

  2. Jack,

    Take comfort in knowing that everybody probably feels the same about developing a quality product as far as the technological projects are concerned. I'm in an 'intensive' writing major and it's refreshing to have the opportunity to try present using a different method. I'm excited about it.

    With that, I think the Mac computers in the library offer the better media editing software like the Adobe products. Might want to give that a shot if you're interested.

  3. Don't worry you aren't alone! It seems like it is a trend throughout the class to be unfamiliar with genres like the video essay and the podcast. I was initially really nervous about working with both of these genres, but the more blog posts I read everyone seems to also be just as nervous.
