Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

I have learned a great deal this week. From researching random topics, to researching in depth on the Seattle minimum wage controversy, I have discovered a lot. I am nervous but prepared for this upcoming week and hope production of project 1 goes smoothly.

What genre are you going to commit to for Project 1? Why?

A quick reference guide seems to be the smartest and most fitting choice for project 1. The reason for this is because a quick reference guide is very organized and separated into different sections which allows the author to talk about different groups separately. 

2. What genre conventions from your chosen genre are you planning on developing during next week's Production phase? What do you plan to do with the genre conventions that will help you accomplish the purpose of the project most effectively?

I plan to complete most of the project in the upcoming week and this includes the conventions of a quick reference guide. I plan create a title, sub headers, write my text for the project, find pieces of evidence, and find images for the first project. I plan to have these organized in a sensible manner as well by the end of the week.

3. How are you feeling about Project 1 going in to the Production phase? What challenges do you anticipate next week as you create content for the project?

I am reasonably comfortable going into production week for this project. I believe that I can manage the requirements for it and get it done in a timely manner. I think it will be hard to connect all of the pieces of this story. I think that there are a lot of moving parts and changing opinions that it will be hard but vital to understand.

Von Arnim, Tiffany. "Downtown Seattle" 11/16/14 via Flickr
Attribution 2.0 Generic License 

Cluster of Stakeholders

In my cluster, I explained and displayed the different stakeholders in the Seattle minimum wage increases and their stake in the wages. There are multiple sides to the story and the cluster helps visually display everyone that is involved. I separated each group to different sides of the cluster and then connected sub groups to the major ones.

Ogez, Emilie. "100 Reasons to Mindmap" 12/23/09 via Flickr
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic License 

Evaluation of General Sources

Conducting the research for this project was very informative. It was interesting to see the breakdown of what everyone thinks of the 15 dollar minimum wage put into order in Seattle. Some are for it, some are against it, and the others are waiting to see the full effects before they decide an opinion.
Scott, Toby. "Minimum Wage Protest" 12/05/13 via Flickr
Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic License

First Source 


For the first source, the URL ends in .com. This ending has the possibility of being an unreliable source. It means that the site that is being used is trying to make profit off of the information that they are giving you. This source is legitimate, as it is nationally known for being so.


The author for this resource is a credited reporter from CNBC. Kate Rogers has been reporting for CNBC for nearly a year and a half and has covered multiple subjects.

Last Updated

The web page for this source was last updated on Wednesday January 27th, 2016. This is a very recent update that has all of the necessary and current information available on the wage increase.


The purpose of this source is to inform the reader of what is happening on the franchisee side of this battle in Seattle. It was to inform the reader that the franchisee's in Seattle are suing the city of Seattle and are trying to get fair timing to raise their wage to 15 dollars an hour.


There are two graphics that are involved in this article. The first one is a picture of the mayor of Seattle signing the bill that made the minimum wage in the city 15 dollars an hour. This is important to the story because the day that this was signed the franchisee's began preparations to sue the city. The second graphic is a video breakdown of how the minimum wage hike will effect small businesses. This is important because it shows how these franchisees are being effected with this change.

Position on Subject

The information that is being provided by this source is correct. It is a piece of information that is just being given to the reader. There are no opinions that are truly expressed through this article and there would be no need for bias. The party that profits from the number of views it receives is CNBC, a major news corporation. It can be trusted due to the national attention it would receive if it was not.


There are multiple links that are provided in this text. The links lead to more information about the subject that correlates to the story that is being presented. One of the links provides the information on how the Seattle minimum wages are tiered for different sized businesses. All of the links are properly cited.

Second Source


The URL for this second source ends in .com and is on YouTube. This makes it liable for being unreliable. The reason that it is reliable is because of who posted the photo. PBS is a trustworthy source and is viable.


The reporter for this news story is Paul Solman. Solman has been a reporter for PBS since 1985 and has produced trustworthy for this national station consistently.

Last Updated

The video was posted 21 months ago and that was when the source was lasted updated. There are not any links that take you away from the video but there are suggestions on YouTube that can connect you to more information on the subject.


The source is purely trying to inform the viewer of the viewpoints in Seattle on a minimum wage increase. This newscast was given before the bill was signed into place so the viewer of the video got to see the opinions of groups before the effects took place.


Since the source is a video of a newscast, there are many visuals in play. The video shows the people being interviewed about the wage increase as well as background footage to make the video more appealing. 

Position on Subject

Solman makes sure that the story is not one sided. He wants to capture the whole city's opinion on the wage increase and makes sure to get multiple different opinions on the topic. He interviews both consumers and owners each with a twist to the popular opinions of their groups. 


The links that are provided from this source are links to other related videos. If you want to dive deeper into the subject and see more news stories about the wage increase and peoples' opinions about it than that is readily available.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Reddit and What I Found There

Using Reddit for research in new for me. This was the first time I had ever used Reddit so I was glad that I had this exposure to something new. Reddit gives you the ability to talk to others with similar interests and to learn from them.

1.    What kinds of things do people in the Reddit forums seem to be arguing about, debating, disagreeing about or otherwise engaging in meaningful exchanges of ideas about?

In this forum, people are talking about the up and coming ideas for the future of the business world. There are many creative ideas that could change our world. These people are very interested and want to hear others’ ideas as well.

2.    In your opinion, what are the two most interesting debates/disagreements you found in the Reddit forums? Hyperlink us to the two different Reddit threads and explain why you found those debates interesting.

In this thread, the people commenting are arguing whether Amazon University will change the state of college as we know it or not. They think that Kahn Academy has already done this in an impactful way. Others thing that Amazon University is the way of the future.

Also, in this thread, people are discussing the different stock prices of certain companies. One of the companies in particular is Facebook. People are talking about how they were so glad they did not buy Facebook stock at a low price but now that it is rising they are angry with themselves.

3.    Overall, what impression do you get of your discipline based on what you saw happening in the Reddit forums? Were the people in those forums talking in ways you expected or did not expect, about things you anticipated they'd be talking about or things you had no idea they'd be discussing? Explain in concise specific detail.

I honestly was expecting these kinds of conversations in this forum. I believe that people in the business world that are using Reddit are looking for the next innovative idea. These people want to converse with others with the same ideas and motives.

1.    What kinds of things do people in the Reddit forums seem to be arguing about, debating, disagreeing about or otherwise engaging in meaningful exchanges of ideas about?

In this forum, people are discussing their ideas and other ideas that they have been hearing about. This is the Entrepreneur Forum, so people are interested in those new ideas that no people have heard about. They want to see other’s ideas so they can develop ideas of their own.

2.    In your opinion, what are the two most interesting debates/disagreements you found in the Reddit forums? Hyperlink us to the two different Reddit threads and explain why you found those debates interesting.

In one thread, people are discussing Paypal. People are arguing whether it is truly a good way to receive money because some people are having Paypal hold their funds. Others think that it is an industry problem because they have had the same issues on Ebay. 

In another thread, a person working from home lists out the confessions of someone that works from home. Some people in the thread agree that this list that is provided sums up working from home perfectly. Others have their own ideas that they believe should be added to the list as well. 

3.    Overall, what impression do you get of your discipline based on what you saw happening in the Reddit forums? Were the people in those forums talking in ways you expected or did not expect, about things you anticipated they'd be talking about or things you had no idea they'd be discussing? Explain in concise specific detail.

I am not surprised at what I saw people talking about in this forum. I think that people that are entrepreneurs want to hear from others about what they had success with and what they struggled with so that they do not make the same mistakes.

ajcann wordpress. "Reddit" 11/16/12 via Flickr
Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Evaluation of News Magazine Stories

Searching these magazines online was a new experience for me. I have never been the kind of person to pick up a magazine to read. I have always been the kind of person that got his information off of Twitter. I enjoyed finding these controversial stories.

1. What is the debate, disagreement or argument in the story about? Explain concisely, but with specificity and precision. Name specific people, places, things, events, dates, times and/or other identifying details.

On November 19, 2015 a news reporter for CNN by the name of Elise Labott, tweeted that the Statue of Liberty bowed its head in anguish when the Syrian refugee bill passed. This bill limited the number of Syrian refugees that would be able to come to America. CNN decided to suspend Elise due to the inappropriateness of the comment. Many people disagree with the decision that CNN made, including Fortune magazine writer Mathew Ingram who states that writers should be able to speak their minds.

2. Who is the most sympathetic character in the story? Who are they? How are they involved? Why do they evoke feelings of sympathy from you?

The most sympathetic character in the story is Michael Calderone, a reporter for the Huffington Post, was sympathetic to Elise. He says that the only reason Elise was suspended was because it was in opposition to a Republican bill. Elise has posted her political opinion before when she said she was opposed to one of Obama’s decisions and she faced no punishment for that. Michael believes in his fellow reporter when a major news business, CNN, does not.

3. Who is the least sympathetic character in the story? Who are they? How are they involved? Why can't you easily sympathize with them?

Jeff Zucker, the head of CNN, is extremely unsympathetic to Elise’s decision to express her opinion on social media. He believes that his reporters will get blamed for bias if they are tweeting their opinions at all. I think that Jeff needs to give his reporters some slack, the tweet does not give off a bias in my opinion and he is being too cautious. Even though CNN is a major corporation that has its standard rules, there should be some lenience.

Shaw, Phil. "Statue Liberty" 09/16/06 via Flickr
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License

1 . What is the debate, disagreement or argument in the story about? Explain concisely, but with specificity and precision. Name specific people, places, things, events, dates, times and/or other identifying details.

In this story by Bloomberg Business, the dispute is over whether or not Facebook should change the nature of the like button. Chris Cox, who is the social network’s chief product officer, is contemplating changing the like button. The like button is the key symbol of the company and it would be an astounding change. The idea was first announced in Silicon Valley at the Four Seasons at an executive meeting.

2. Who is the most sympathetic character in the story? Who are they? How are they involved? Why do they evoke feelings of sympathy from you?

The most sympathetic person in this story is none other than Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg is quoted saying that he is fine with it and that he completely agrees with anything his chief product officer and the other board members decide to do. The reason that I evoke sympathy to Zuckerberg is because it is his company and he has made the decision to let someone else have control. He trusts that and that makes me trust Cox more.

3. Who is the least sympathetic character in the story? Who are they? How are they involved? Why can't you easily sympathize with them?

The least sympathetic person to the change is Cox himself. Cox is saying that it is something that needs to happen. He feels that the company has remained stagnant on their look and there needs to be a major change. The reason that I cannot sympathize too much with Cox is because he is changing the face of Facebook. He wants to adjust something that does not need to be adjusted.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Twitter and What I Found There

It was very informative to search through the Twitter feeds about business. It is an easy way to stay informative about any subject and what is happening in the news. 

1. What kinds of things do people on Twitter seem to be talking about, debating, arguing about or otherwise engaging in meaningful exchanges of ideas about? Give us a descriptive and clear sense of the kinds of stories you're seeing in these Twitter feeds.

There are a few things that every Twitter feed I found on my major was talking about: oil prices dropping, Iran's sanctions being lifted, and China. All of the feeds that I was able to find all said that the price of oil dropping would hurt both the Russian and Chinese economies. Both of these countries depend on oil directly and indirectly. Some are skeptical about this idea, but these feeds are actively discussing the positive impact that Iran's sanctions being lifted will have on its economy. China is the hot topic. Some feeds believe that the Chinese economy is performing as usual, wonderfully. Others believe that China is in for a reality check when their economy takes a dive in the near future. 

2. In your opinion, what are the two most interesting conversations or stories you found in the Twitter feeds? Hyperlink us to the two different Twitter feeds and explain why you found those conversations interesting. 

The fact that Russia is soon going to come out from their sanctions after the Ukrainian controversy. The economy is protected as performing poorly in recent history and it will be interesting to see what happens next after they have no sanctions weighing them down anymore. Another interesting story is the fact that China's economy may take a turn for the worst. They have been growing at an amazing rate the past decade or two and to suddenly have a downturn would hurt the world economy tremendously. I found these two stories on Bloomberg Business and Bussinessweek. The reason that these two conversations are interesting is because they present the facts. They present and exciting hook to each of their stories as well as an attention grabbing picture. 

3. Overall, what impression do you get of your discipline based on what you saw happening on Twitter? Were the people in these feeds talking in ways you expected or did not expect, about things you anticipated they'd be talking about or things you had no idea they'd be discussing? Explain in concise specific detail.

When I found these business twitter feeds, I found exactly what I was expecting. I have seen business posts before, and these had a very similar template. These feeds all are designed to attract those that are already interested in the field. They are not trying to draw in new people to business, they are trying to bring the business to the people that are already paying attention to these kinds of posts. 

England, Highway. "HA staff in the Bedford Office." 03/19/10 v
via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Evaluation of New York Times Stories

It was very interesting to read the two stories. Both have a great deal to do with the popular news recently and they are both extremely intriguing. The first story is from the business section of The New York Times and it speaks on the state of Africa's economy. The second story is from the opinion section and talks about new laws that are in place in New York City.

First Story

1. Does there seem to be a "main character" or "protagonist" to the story? If so, who is it and how are they are the "center" of the story? If not, are there any important or central characters in the story at all? What role do they play?

Although there are not true characters in this story, the main focus is on these African nations. The reporter that wrote this article, was able to talk to a couple business owners in a few nations and they all told similar stories. The African economy is struggling to grow because of China's economic struggles. These men and women are speaking about their specific businesses, but they are also speaking about Africa in general. The shipments from China are not coming in fast enough due to layoffs in China and the products are becoming less demanded. 

2. Where do the specific events in the story take place? Is there a specific setting? Describe the settings for the stories and how they influence the plot and characters.

The main settings in this story are South Africa and Nigeria. These are the two strongest economies in Africa historically and they are struggling currently. They are not able to produce as they used to because of China's struggles. Businesses in South Africa have had to fire people due to the slowdown in work. Those businesses in Nigeria have struggled due to the lack of demand for oil, the nation’s largest commodity. Both countries have been criticized because economic experts believe the nations could have done better to expand their economies during the good economic periods but they failed to do so.

3. Is there any kind of disagreement or debate happening in the story? If so, who is participating, why are people debating and what seems to be at stake for the different characters in the story?

The disagreement that occurs in this story is between different African officials. Some of these officials believe that China is much more respectable when it comes to negotiations and loans than the western countries. Others believe that the Chinese are less romantic about their approaches than they used to be and that it is simply business now. It feels as though some of these officials are losing faith in China. They think that their economy is going downhill a bit and they want a change. 

Second Story

1. Does there seem to be a "main character" or "protagonist" to the story? If so, who is it and how are they are the "center" of the story? If not, are there any important or central characters in the story at all? What role do they play?

The police and the new laws are the main focus of this story. The author is focused on the fact these new laws give the police in New York City to be more lenient to those that commit low level offenses. Although there are no new bench marks for punishments, these new laws are hoped to give relief to the communities that struggle with incarceration rates. 

 2. Where do the specific events in the story take place? Is there a specific setting? Describe the settings for the stories and how they influence the plot and characters.

As stated before, these laws are intended for New York City. New York City has many people that struggle with poverty and incarceration and these laws are intended to help with these two aspects. When people are incarcerated for low level offenses, they can lose their jobs, homes, and futures for an unworthy reason. If people are able to just pay a fine or do community service instead of time in a jail cell, then the GDP of these poor areas can grow and help the overall population.

3. Is there any kind of disagreement or debate happening in the story? If so, who is participating, why are people debating and what seems to be at stake for the different characters in the story?

The argument in this story comes from those that say the injustice for colored communities will just shift from one court to another with these laws. Even though they are not getting thrown in jail as much anymore, does not mean that colored people are not getting treated unfairly by the system. It is not identified in the story, but this group thinks that there needs to be a more severe change in the system in order to truly solve the problem. 
The U.S. Army. "Meeting the New York Police Department" 03/17/04
via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Course Projects

After reviewing the the four major project outlines, I feel more comfortable in knowing what this class has to offer. Before looking at these projects, they seemed vast and confusing but I now feel comfortable in my abilities.

The part that makes me most nervous out of these four projects is producing a podcast and video essay and being able to do it well. I have close to no experience working with these types of projects and I do not know where to start. The little experience I do have was many years ago. What I remember from those experiences is that it was very hard to produce quality productions and it was also time consuming. Being able to manage these projects in my heavy schedule will be a challenge.

I am most excited to learn how to produce these new genres. Even though I am nervous about whether I am going to be able to finish them, I am excited to learn something new. My high school did very little with these genres and I am hoping I can become proficient by the time this class is over. Being able to experience something new is terrifying but is exciting at the same time.

Based on my understanding of these four projects, there is plenty that I will need to plan ahead for. Being able to secure the right type of equipment will be a challenge due to the high demand for it. Also, being able to develop my skills in producing these new genres will also take some planning. What will challenge my time management skills, I believe, is the production stage of each of these projects. Putting together these genres takes time and I will have to pay attention to that aspect.

 In my high school the vast majority of the projects that we worked on were standard, MLA format papers that were dull and boring. There was not much room for creativity and therefore, I struggle with making creative things in a short amount of time. When I am assigned projects that involve genres such as video essays, I have to take time to learn the genre in order to produce a quality end product. One intangible skill that I bring to any course is tenacity. No matter what I have to do to get a project done, I make it happen. I hold myself to the highest standard in all that I do and I do not accept anything below a certain quality.

As of right now, I don’t have any questions regarding these projects or the course in general and I look forward to getting started.

Peter Taylor. "Down the Lens" 04/06/14 via Flickr.
Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic License.
Reflection: I read both Mike's and Emily's Course Projects posts. Their posts truly made me feel more comfortable with the work in this class. To see that other people are also nervous and anxious about the work in the class makes me feel more confident in what I am doing. I also am interested to hear Mike's life experiences considering he has a unique background. Both of their posts also helped me realize that the final project will absolutely take some planning to complete. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Investigating Genres

There are multiple genres we are studying through this semester, but no other genre benefits the audience more than video essays. Video essays are visually appealing and leave the viewer wanting more.

The purpose that a video essay tends the serve is analyzing other works through audio and visual descriptions. Video essays are great for other videos, movies, and short-movies to be analyzed. This is because it allows the viewer to not only hear what the author thinks of this subject, but also lets the audience see which part of the work is being described.

Viewers usually find video essays when they are trying to find more detail about a subject. Sometimes, the audience wants to know more in depth information about a piece. They may want to know the psychological reasoning behind a movie, or maybe they want to know another fan’s theory of how a character in a television show behaved as a child and how they evolved. These video essays can give viewers closure about certain works because these video essays go more in depth. Normally, these video essays are amateur productions that can be found on YouTube or similar platforms.

The typical audience for a video essay is the extreme fans of a piece of work or those in need of research on a subject. Both of these groups want to know more information about a subject. Those that are creating these video essays are similar. They also care deeply about this subject and want to provide others with their opinion about a piece of work.

One unique characteristic about video essays is that they include both audio and visual components. The viewer is able remember what they think of a specific part of a subject. This also allows them to compare their view of the part to what the author thinks. This creates more ideas and specific information about a subject which keeps these pieces popular. This type of fan fiction keeps interest in subjects that otherwise may have fallen off the grid and failed to reach their full potential as a piece of work.

A video essay is a type of fan fiction. It is a video that dives deeper into a specific subject by analyzing specific parts and deeper meanings within a piece of work. A video essay allows the creator to build visuals and emotions around their subject in a way writing about a topic never could. 

Adrian Pingstone. "Children playing Paperboy on an Amstrad CPC 464 in 1988" 12/31/87 via Wikipedia.
Public Domain License.
Reflection: I had the opportunity to read both Arun's and Emily's post on two of the genres we will explore in this class. Both of these posts did a great job of describing these genres and explaining to me what we are expected create. One thing that Emily's post made me realize is that the quick reference guide will be much more visual than I expected. I did not know that these quick reference guides included pictures along with the text. Arun wrote about video essays and his post helped me confirm what I learned before writing my own post. Based on what these two had to say, I believe that the projects that we will be creating will help expand our talents past writing a standard essay. 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My Writing Process

In this post I will be describing myself as a writer. Every person has their own unique way of writing a paper that comes with both strengths and weaknesses. I want to show where I believe I stand on this broad spectrum. 

1. I consider myself to be a "Heavy Planner". The reason that I consider myself to be a "Heavy Planner" is because I am always thinking about the next writing that I have coming up. I am constantly constructing an outline for these assignments in my head and adding more to each paragraph in order to elaborate on my thoughts. Whenever I am asked to write a rough draft, it feels complete to me because I have filled each section of my outline and added a lot of detail. I am consistently having to ask others if there is anything else that I can change about my piece of writing because I see nothing out of place in the first draft. 

2. Along with planning what I am going to write in my head, I find myself spending a great deal of time revising my work as well. Most of the time, this is because I am thinking of the next word that I want to use next too fast for my fingers to keep up. This causes me to skip over some words, leaving holes in my sentences. I then repeatedly have to go back through my papers and fix these holes to make sure my writing flows.

3. I find that the process I use works extremely well for me. I am able to understand what I am going to write so that I can better execute that plan. I am able to complete full papers faster than most people because of my process. One weakness that seems to stick out through my process is the amount of simple mistakes that I make. I believe this is because I am writing as though I am speaking to my audience. This causes me to make basic grammatical errors that I should not be committing. 

4. I think that my current approach is the correct one for me. One thing I will say is that I need to slow down when I am writing and read what I am typing as I go. Even though this may take me more time to actually write the paper, it will take me less time to revise afterward and I will also be able to limit the number of mistake I make in general. I think in the future that I will adopt the method of writing out my plan as well. Every once in a while, I will forget part of my plan that I am conducting in my head and it will take me a while to remember that part of the sequence. 
Wade M. "Thinking" 08/30/08 via Flickr.
Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License.